For the first time in my life I went to a costume shop and hired myself a proper costume for a dress-up party. Usually I cobble something together from my mass of left over tap costumes, but you know what? It usually looked pretty cobbled together, to be absolutely frank. Whereas look at me now:

I have
never worn this much pink before, given as how (a) I'm a red-head and we're not supposed to, and (b) my mother does not care for the colour. It was actually so overwhelming with the hat and all, that the kitty backed nervously away from me when I emerged resplendent, and then ran away. My boys only had eyes for my guns. Talk about hard-wired. We don't have toy guns in our house, I'm anti-them. And yet, the boys grabbed one each with joy and proceeded to have a fully authentic shoot-out across the loungeroom. And as I bent to kiss them goodnight, Cherub looked up at me with hope in his big eyes and said
Mummy can I have one more play with your guns please? Boys. But when they saw their father, magnificent in his Airline Pilot costume, they expressed only approval for how he looked. Although he did inspire a fairly energetic discussion on whether he was a train driver or not. Climber was so impressed that, on first seeing Fixit all dressed up, he threw his arms around him and said, almost shyly,
I love you Daddy.

The occasion was my friend Anna's 40th, an "A" party. Astrid and I were talking about doing ABBA with our respective fellas but when we got to the costume shop the ABBA options were crappy. So we went to Plan B which turned out to be a good thing, given that 3 other sets of 2 couples had sashayed down the ABBA red carpet. As it turned out I was one of two Annie Oakleys at the party, but she was more
Wild West Annie whereas I was definitely post-
There's No Business Like Show Business Annie. And you probably don't need me to tell you that my costume was way cuter.
This is some of my Mother's Group posse hamming it up:
Agnetha from ABBA, Adam Ant, Airline Pilot, Annie Oakley, Alice Cooper and Aqua Woman.

We had a LOT of fun. But if you are going to drink champagne all night and not intersperse it with drinks of water you WILL wake up with a monster hangover. Ask Astrid and me. We'll tell you.
Snort. Something tells me that the party wasn't the only place there was "fun". But that's none of my business ...
ReplyDeleteAdam Ant - that is cool.
ReplyDeleteYou should wear pink. You look fabulous in it and you need to wave the girly flag in your family.
ReplyDeleteAt least by drinking lots of champagne you were staying with the theme. A for arseholed.
This weekend seems to have hang-over as the recurring theme.
ReplyDeleteYou look great in your outfit, but the look in the boys' eyes with those toy guns...very familiar!
You are totally rockin' that costume !
ReplyDeleteLove that final photo. You look fab.
ReplyDeleteAnd you SHOULD wear pink!
I'm surprised you don't wear pink all the time - just because "they" said you shouldn't.
Fixit in a uniform.
ReplyDeleteI'm with Climber
"I love you daddy"...
DAMN you've got good legs.
ReplyDeleteYou and Fixit both look seriously cute. Stomper, you look like a mere teenybopper!
ReplyDeleteFixit looks like he's doing a male model pout in that group shot (getting ready for his new career?!)
But Alice Cooper, lurking in the background, gets the prize for the the most authentic!
Actually, somebody at the party who was trying to guess his costume asked Fixit if he was "Flight Centre Guy". That had us rolling around clutching our sides for a good ten minutes.
ReplyDeleteAnd Nell, we took some photos of Fixit with a 'genie' bottle to back up your Major Nelson claims.
What a fun party. Last costume party I went to was Fairlie's 30th and that was, well, a while ago (I'm in big trouble now).
ReplyDeleteHave to say...Adam Ant...inspired choice.
Wow - what fun - you guys look hot, and your firends look a hoot.
And champagne is one of the few things I can drink all night and suffer no repercussions from.
Y'all are gorgeous together!
ReplyDeleteAnd Fixit obviously likes the pink too!
The Adam Ant one is inspired. I'm singing: Goody Two Shoes right now.
ReplyDeleteWhere do all these fashion rules come from! I've always thought pink is gorgeous on a red-head. It certainly is on you!
Are you sure Bertie was afraid of your costume? Or does he now associate you with the snip snip.
Red hair taboo or no, you look "pretty in pink!"
ReplyDeleteI just have to agree with everyone else, pink does looks great on you!
ReplyDeletevauwobyThat's a very flattering photo of you. (Where's a Weasley twin when you need one, huh?)
Noice! Love anything ruffled. Thank you for the hanky comment.
ReplyDeleteWow, what fantastic fun! I think I need to come up with an excuse to throw a costume party ... I've not been to one for YEARS!
ReplyDeleteP.S. "vauwoby" was the WVW and Blogger jumped fields on me.
ReplyDeleteSo not cool blog-speak for "by the way" then?
ReplyDeleteVauwoby. It's got a ring to it.
You looked fantastic! So did Fixit!
ReplyDeleteSounds like a brand of super-expensive vodka, I'll grant you that.
I love that the boys couldn't decide if their dad was an airline pilot or a train driver - hilarious!
ReplyDeleteCostumes and alcohol - there's a lot of ways that kind of night can go... !