Unlike our primary school, a school production at high school is a voluntary, additional activity, and in Year 7, Climber, despite having always enjoyed performing at primary school, did not volunteer. He also had no plans to participate in Year 8, despite the fact that they were calling for tap dancers and the kid has been tapping since he was 4. When I found out about this I encouraged and cajoled (and eventually begged) him to try out, like a good stage mother. It seemed positively sinful from my point of view not to use his skills, and to miss out on a fun-filled opportunity because of either fear of failure or fear of judgement by his peers. But nothing I said swayed him, and I eventually emailed his Home Group teacher (also the Production Director) to say he could tap and I wasn't sure why he was so reluctant to try out and could she have a word please. The upshot of which was that he did audition and did get the gig, alongside our mothers group friend and fellow tap student Pip.
The show was an off-broadway musical called Urinetown, and the school
put on a great production in July. All the kids did a fantastic job. There is
something very beautiful and heart-warming about watching a bunch of
committed kids giving their all on stage. I was extremely proud of
Climber and Pip. I am pretty sure that Climber enjoyed himself,
although I think early in the rehearsal process when the dancers were
separate to the main cast he felt isolated and resentful. But once it
became a performance, he seemed to really enjoy it, and had a great time
hanging out backstage with some friends. I suspect any future high school performances will be based on whether his peer group takes part (it will have to come from the girls, none of his male friends show any signs of wanting to perform), but I'm very glad he gave it a shot this year, and that he persevered and discovered it was worth it.
As for the younger son, his Grade 5/6 production went on in September, and it was fun all the way for my all-singing, all-dancing Cherub. He auditioned for an acting role and got nothing (unbelievable!) but was not cast down. He just had a ball singing and dancing as part of his class' routine to Happy ...
... and as part of the boys hip-hop crew to Classic.
He was one of the strongest dancers in both numbers, and looked so cool, and so comfortable. As always the production was heaps of fun, and again, all the kids were so committed and were having such a great time on stage that it was completely happy-making.
Little dude. I love how much he loves dancing.
Cauliflower, Lentil & Coconut Dahl
2 days ago
Awwww! What lovely boys. And they have a lovely mum.