Two-weeks-shy of a year ago, they knocked down the house next door to us. Since that time, we've been putting up with living beside a building site, as the great brick McMansion went up. It has been pretty annoying, all the noise from heavy machinery, all the banging and swearing, all the commercial radio blaring away from the tradies' cars or ghetto blasters, the stench when they periodically empty the portaloo (worse than decaying rat but not as long-lasting, and they never warned us they'd be doing it so we could close windows, not ever). Most annoying of all has been the fact that we have not had a proper fence on that side of the property for nearly a year.
Yesterday I came home to find men in our yard, putting up a new fence. Hurrah!
I am slightly grumpy that no-one saw fit to inform us it was happening. I know we're only renters but it would have been polite, you know?
(Check out how big this house is! You can see where our by-no-means tiny house ends on the right of the picture)
I'm a little bit cranky that the fencing clodhoppers trampled over the only nice flowers in our pathetic garden, the just about to bloom erlicheer jonquils. We might have squashed some onions, he said to me. Grr.
And I had to spend half an hour stopping up the many under-fence holes so as to make it Basil-proof, risking death by spider as I cast around for bricks and wood and such.
But, on the whole, Hurrah For The New Fence!
Cauliflower, Lentil & Coconut Dahl
2 days ago