Thursday, February 16, 2012


Seriously need to catch up on this here blog, and I definitely will, because my life is almost in control with all that back-to-school and tap rigmarole, but just quickly LOOK, LOOK, LOOK!


Mister Fixit is qualified!  We're still to negotiate the job and pay side of it all, but there's his certificate right there in his qualified mechanical engineer hand!  I am completely proud of him.  (And I made him ring his Mum!)


  1. Kudos to you, sir! (I take it you all have to call him 'sir' now. Or 'y'lordship'.)

  2. Congrats you big gorgeous qualified person you!

    (Stomper, this is not addressed to you, please pass it on) :)

  3. Congratulations to Mr Fixit and his beautiful family.

  4. woohoo, congrats! Congrats on the poor partner of the studier I mean haha.Nah, congrats on his hard work too. Here's to a good job )for him) and less money woes for both of you!

  5. So exciting! V Proud! Oh and you look like you used the proper camera too!!! V Good!

  6. That is sooooo fabulous. And well-deserved. All that hard work.

    Congratulations to Mr Fixit.

  7. Wow! Hats off to you Fixit! Look at that----they even got his name spelled right!

  8. Oh, Congratulations! So great to see all that hard work pay off!

  9. What an achievement, what hard work dedication and determination. I applaud him most heartily and commend his efforts and achievements. Well done. Many hugs!

  10. I say well done to the whole family! It really was a team effort. Congratulations to ALL of you!


Don't let the cat get your tongue.