This is a bit of a housekeeping post. But not actually to do with real housekeeping which is being studiously neglected as I blog.
Firstly, the Easter competition. The person who won the prize for the
lowest score was
Joanne (0 points) and up until last night, the
highest scorer was
Shula (11 points). So there I was last night knocking up the prizes for these two deserving winners, when suddenly Shula got pipped at the post by a surprise late entry,
Sooziii, (12 points.) Anyway, seeing as I'd already done the prize for Shula, I decided to award both high scorers a prize! So if the 3 winners could please email me their postal addresses, a little hand-made prize will wing its way to them.
Secondly, it appears we have a new author in the family, aka the Climber. Whilst we were at the beach, he started pencilling his first book, which I'll have you know is a chapter book. With punctuation and everything. I'm so proud. It's called
"The Red F".

Thirdly, a parcel arrived in my mailbox yesterday addressed to the most Esteemed Lady of the Stomp (that's me) and inside was a gift from the lovely
H&B. And without wanting to get anyone at trouble, I refer you to
this post and quote you this poem.
Monday's child poem
Monday's child is fair of face,
Tuesday's child is full of grace,
Wednesday's child is full of woe,
Thursday's child has far to go,
Friday's child is loving and giving,
Saturdays child works hard for his living,
And the child that is born on the Sabbath day
Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.
Because thanks to H&B, I am now a
Tuesday's Child. And oddly enough, I am anyway. The website I visited explains it thus:
You have many talents, and are fun to be around.
You dance through life!
Which sounds about right for me. Although, I should point out that I ran the rest of the family through the date calculator and Fixit is also
full of Grace, whilst both my sons are
full of Woe. But apparently the explanation for that is that :
You are a serious person, and try to change things that seem unfair.
You make the world a better place!
... which is true of Climber so far, but we need to wait until Cherub stops being three before we find out if it is also true of him. And you know, Fixit did quite well when I dragged him to a Beginners' Learn to Latin-Dance night the other week. He was merengue-ing with the best of them by the end.
Go to this
site if you would like to find out your day.