Climber received a new bike - with gears! - from my Dad: one that my [workaholic] father had actually bought for himself, thinking he might do some riding, and never unpacked from the box. The bike is a leeetle bit big for Climber, but he is riding it very well, except if he has to stop suddenly he leaps off the bike sideways and lets it fall, owing to not wanting to bang himself on that middle bar, which is fair enough but means that in under a week the handlebars are already pretty dinged up.

Cherub has also graduated to a bigger bike, the last-but-one of Climber's and is riding it with aplomb. We've been for a couple of family bike rides since the upgrades and I'm pretty sure we're going faster than before.

The boys, courtesy of Nell, attended their first cricket match at the MCG to watch Australia beat the English in a day/night match. When Nell, who had the 4 tickets through work, rang and kindly offered them to the boys I just assumed that only Climber and Fixit would be interested, but Cherub, to my surprise and disbelief, piped up I want to come too! and after me saying are you sure? quite a lot, it was arranged that Nell and the boys would go and that she'd bring Cherub home when he'd had enough. He lasted exactly 55 minutes before announcing to Nell that he'd like to go home. She said Really?! Do you think you could make it to the one hour mark, Cherub? so he dutifully waited another 5 minutes.
Climber and Fixit meanwhile lasted right through to the thrilling end at 10pm and caught the train most of the way home. This is them after the match, sporting the headbands the crowd were given to mark the 40 year anniversary of one-day cricket, in tribute to the 70s look favoured by Dennis Lillee. They had an absolute ball.

Here is Cherub modelling his headband, [much] earlier in the day. He put it on, then asked Do I look like a pineapple? but I don't think he got his hair to go up quite high enough to pull off that particular look.

We redeemed the voucher we'd won at last year's school fete for a $75 meal at Babka Bakery in Brunswick Street and by gum it was good. After brunch-for-four there was enough left on the voucher to walk away with 2 jars of their in-house jam. We were pretty happy with that!
Fixit has to go back to work on Monday after a month of holidays. He has been fixing stuff like mad, pretty much stays in the shed all day unless you call him to get coffee or go for a bike ride, and I think the best effort of the lot was fixing my handbag digital camera. To be frank, I didn't think he'd be able to do anything with it, but because it was out of warranty and had been a lemon from the day I bought it I thought why not. Plans to replace it with a little purple digital camera have been shelved.