Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Cure

Diagnosis: The Patient presented as run-down and stressed, with the following symptoms : low energy, uncertain temper, bad skin, lank hair, sore back.

Prescribed Treatment: A weekend away with some carefully chosen companions.


  • Companions must all be funny, kind, thoughtful, good at sharing and talking/listening, fine cooks with a modicum (or more) of crafting skills. 
  • Accommodation should be equipped with a large crafting room, a luxurious bath, proximity to local massage facilities, plenty of delicious treats and lovely views.


Result: Patient has returned to her life in Melbourne feeling relaxed, revived and restored to full good humour. She has also managed to come home with a finished object.  NB. Although everyone else was very productive, one finished object was held to be plenty in this case because:
(a) Patient is a slow sew-er [that is really hard for me to say and always comes out sew slower]
(b) Patient was trying a new pattern [Cordelia from the latest Ottobre but made into a top due to lack of fabric, and millions of thanks to Sue for coaching me through pattern-speak] 
(c) Patient kept disappearing to have baths, massages or to make the white chocolate cheesecake.

 (The top is properly finished now, the patient sewed the buttons on at her kids' swimming lesson.)

Thanks and love to the fabulous girls who made it such a blissful retreat : Jenny, Iona, Kate, Sue and organisers extraordinaire Suse and Janet.  More photos here.


  1. Mate, if I ever tried to sew an actual WEARABLE (let alone snazzy, like yours) garment, I'm convinced I'd have torn all my hair out before it came to sewing on buttons. Yay for you! On all fronts! Trust the bombed bath lived up to every expectation...

  2. Huzzah! It looks fabulous!

  3. The prognosis looks excellent for the patient's full recovery.

    1. Providing patient receives ongoing therapy at regular intervals, of course.

  4. A clean bill of health AND new clothes... success!

  5. Yes, regular and ongoing therapy is a must! Love your top and the cheesecake was special/yummy too!

  6. Love the top! Glad you got your dose of medicine, looks like it worked a treat!

  7. Oh what a dream this would be! Glad you could do this. ~*~Lisa

  8. Sounds like perfect therapy to me.

  9. excellent report Sister Stomper, such insight!

  10. Yes. More therapy! More cheesecake!

  11. What an absolutely gorgeous top! On an absolutely gorgeous girl! Angel and I are doing pedis and lunch (with margaritas) this Saturday... I feel better just thinking about it.

  12. Excellent result. Well done!

  13. I hate you all every time this happens.


Don't let the cat get your tongue.