Good Friday started with a hot-cross-bun party, then lunch at Astrid's house, followed by a family party to celebrate my Dad's recent victory in the Australian Science vs the Wi-Fi Thieves legal battle. It was so busy that I forgot to take any photos.
Easter Saturday was family lunch with the Fixits. See all that chocolate being handed out below? None of it was for me. Fixit's family assume because I am slender that I do not like chocolate, and nothing I say dissuades them. Also, Mister Fixit never ever buys me an Easter egg. If it hadn't been for Nell and another friend Mr Quiet, I would have been totally dependent on sneaking 'spare' eggs from my 'hunts and emergency present' stash.

A Fixit family lunch is always a massive meal, so I was unable to eat anything at the second engagement, Pizza in the Park with the Mothers Group. Fixit and the kids were not such wimps though.

Now that Daylight Saving is ended, the kids were delighted to be out late enough to see some Possums.

Easter Sunday was mostly just us. The boys left out

... and then I organised an egg hunt with clues for the boys.

We also received visits, and Easter eggs, from Mr Quiet and from Nell, bringing the official level of chocolate in the house up to "obscene". The boys are courageously working their way through it.