Thursday, March 05, 2009

Stupid Cat

stupid cat_7794

Somehow he failed to notice this really big cake as he went to investigate the dinner smell near the oven. There was a lot of paw-shaking and paw-licking afterwards.


  1. ha - you made me snort tea out my nose...but it's ok. It just the work computer!

  2. Ahhh we have a dog like that. She counter surfs and it drives me crazy. I bet the cake was good!!

  3. Silly Bertie!

    Or perhaps clever Bertie as I bet that frosting tasted good.

  4. Oh oh. Oh. the cake. I hope Bertie likes icing and I hope you made him eat it.

    The paw shaking must've been funny. I'm giggling to myself.

  5. I snorted too.

    Thank goodness only the dogs were around to hear that lovely noise!

  6. Did he like it? Will he come back for more? Was he up on the kitchen bench? What was the cake for?

  7. Mum: don't think so, better not, kind of* and for fun.

    *the cake was actually on the blue wooden toy chest next to the island bar (usually NOT a food storage area but we were a bit behind with the dishes that day) so he was leaping up there to have a sniff at the roast chook.

  8. That's great.
    My mom had a cookie recipe that she dubbed cat's paw cookies after a similar incident, but this takes the cake!

  9. He just has good taste. Those prints look like decoration to me. And the cake DOES look good! Did you pitch it?

  10. Well, not everyone gets a Bertie Wooster decoration on their cake, do they?


Don't let the cat get your tongue.