Friday, April 04, 2008

Gene pool

Crafty did this a while ago and I loved it. And since the school holidays have filled my ears with little boy voices piping Mummy all the live-long-day, which means I cannot hold onto a thought long enough to blog it, I give you Baby Mathematics:

+ =
( )


  1. Wow, they're a nice mix of you two!

  2. Bet they were the most fun too! :-) Your boys look so different from each other, yet I see both of you in each of them.

    I'm going to do this soon. You'll see that my two inherited no overt physical genes from me. They look like Rob. But they ACT like me. Except when they're being naughty of course.... that's ALL Rob.

  3. That's cool. They look like you and they look like him.

    I'm totally grooving on the floral print on your dress, BTW.

  4. I should do this too. My mother in law is always telling me that my kids look, sound, act, breathe, eat and smell EXACTLY like my Pete. I always get annoyed because it feels like the ultimate passive aggressive claim on them, like I should just give them up now.

    You certainy shouldn't give yours up now. I see lots of you in Cherub.

  5. Such a great mix! Although I think Cherub is mostly you!

  6. Very cool. Your boys have bits of both of you (well, that's obvious but you know what I mean).

    If you saw photos of our family you would notice that we have two dark-haired, dark-eyed parents but one dark-haired dark-eyed child and one fair-haired, blue-eyed child. Interesting. I swear he IS ours.

  7. Lovely mix of you both in each! We have one mini-me Fairlie and one mini-me Poolboy (except she's a girl, but I'm sure you get what I mean). Personalities, on the other hand, a whole different story.

  8. They are a good mixture of the two of you, aren't they?
    Ours are a mixture, too.

  9. That is so cool. I do see lots of both of you in both of them, but more you in the Cherub and more Fixit in Climber. Aren't genetics weird?!

  10. The funnest maths lesson as well, no doubt!

  11. Oh your kids are so gorgeous!

    Chickie looks so much like his dad - with one exception, he has my nose. There is a photo of J and a similar pose of Chickie at six months old and seriously, they are exactly alike.

    His mannerisms and temperament though are all me (poor kid ;) hehe)


Don't let the cat get your tongue.