Are you tired just reading this?
Now for my shorn sheep. Here are some photos (post hair-hack) taken from his little creche excursion to the Melbourne Museum. Twelve little 3-year-old taking the tram to the museum and back, they were so cute.

Tap-dancer, mother of the Climber (15) & the Cherub (12), and girlfriend of Mr. Fixit.
International Tap Dance Day began as a brainstorm of tap dancers Carol Vaughn, Nicola Daval, and Linda Christensen. It was first marked in November 1989, when Representative John Conyers of Michigan and then-Senator Al D'Amato of New York won congressional passage of Resolution 131 declaring May 25th National Tap Dance Day. As Conyers said, "By golly, there ought to be a law to make everyone love tap dancing." The date chosen, May 25th, is the agreed-upon birthday of legendary tap pioneer Bill "Bojangles" Robinson (Robinson had no birth certificate), because he was a tap dancer known and loved worldwide for his work onstage and in movies. In tap circles, he is famous for dancing on the ball of the foot, in split wooden soles, and in perfect time. Over the years, the celebration of tap-dance moved beyond American shores and now International Tap Dance Day is observed as far away as Australia, Japan, India, and Iceland.*Really, I should be celebrating it by a public display of fancy footwork but I've been out frock shopping ALL DAY (with some success I might add) for my party, then at the pool for Climber's swimming lesson followed by the AGM at Cherub's creche. Plus the whole lack of thyroid function means I've not been operating at maximum energy so whaddya know, here I am sitting exhausted in front of the computer now, too tired to even work up a Shim-sham-shimmy. Instead I give you this [modified] meme, which has arrived at me via the published bon vivant man himself, Joke.